14 Fun Facts About Antarctica

Jen Pierce
3 min readApr 20, 2023

Antarctic Ambassador Series

Author’s Photo.

I went on a bucket list trip to Antarctica earlier this year — if you’d like to read about it, click here.

Every person who makes the journey is given the honorary title of Antarctic Ambassador to share the beauty and knowledge with others about the last place on Earth not marred (too much) by humans.

In that spirit, I’ve written several short blogs about the experience and learnings to share.

14 Facts About Antarctica

  1. Antarctica is a continent but not a country. Underneath the ice is land; hence, it gets distinction as a continent. But since no one lives there and no government oversees it, it’s not a country.
  2. Only three types of animals live on the continent: penguins, birds, and seals. Whales and fish live in the Antarctic Ocean.
Seal and Penguin, Author’s Photo

3. Krill is the most common food source for fish, whales, seals, birds, and penguins.

4. There are no land predators in Antarctica.

5. Leopard Seals are the only seal predator of the penguin. (All other seals get along well with penguins.)

